Subject__ The punishment of jahannam___The seven gate of Jahannam:

The intensity of the fire of Hell will be such that people will be willing to give up their dearest possessions to escape it:

"Indeed, those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers – never would the (whole) capacity of the earth in gold be accepted from one of them if he would (seek to) ransom himself with it.  For those there will be a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers." (Quran 3:91)

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

"One of the people of Hell who found most pleasure in the life of this world will be brought forth on the Day of Resurrection and will be dipped into the Fire of Hell.  Then he will be asked, ‘O son of Adam, have you ever seen anything good?’  Have you ever enjoyed any pleasure?’  He will say, ‘No, by Allah (God), O Lord."[1]

Few moments in Hell and the person will forget all the good times they had.  The Prophet of Islam informs us:

"On the Day of Resurrection, God will ask the one whose punishment in the Fire is lightest, ‘If you had whatsoever you wanted on earth, would you give it to save yourself?’  He will say, ‘Yes.’  God will say, ‘I wanted less than that from you when you were still in the loins of Adam, I asked you not to associate anything in worship with Me, but you insisted on associating others in worship with Me.’"[2]

The horror and intensity of the Fire is enough to make a man lose his mind.  He would be willing to give up everything he holds dear to saved from it, but he never will be.  God says:

"The criminal will wish that he could be ransomed from the punishment of that Day by his children, and his wife and his brother, and his nearest kindred who shelter him, and all – all that is on earth – so it could save him.  No!  Indeed, it is the Flame (of Hell), plucking out (his being) tight to the skull!" (Quran 70:11-16)

The punishments of Hell will vary in degree.  The torment of some levels of Hell will be greater than others.  People will be put in a level according to their deeds.  The Prophet of Islam said:

"There are some whom the Fire will reach their ankles, others up to their knees, others up to their waists, and yet others up to their necks."[3]

He spoke of the lightest punishment in Hell:

"The person who will receive the least punishment among the people of Hell on the Day Resurrection will be a man, a smoldering ember will be placed under the arch of his foot.  His brains will boil because of it."[4]

This person will think no one else is being punished more severely than himself, even though he will be the one receiving the lightest punishment.[5]

Many verses of the Quran speak of various levels of punishment for the people of Hell:

"The hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire." (Quran 4:145)

"and on the Day that Judgment will be established (it will be said to the angels): Cast the people of Pharaoh into the severest penalty!" (Quran 40:46)

The Fire kindled by God will burn the skin of the people of Hell.  The skin is the largest organ of the body and the site of sensation where the pain of burning is felt.  God will replace the burnt skin with a new one to be burnt again, and this will keep on repeating:

"Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses – We will drive them into a Fire.  Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment.  Indeed, God is ever Exalted in Might and Wise." (Quran 4:56)

Another punishment of Hell is melting.  When super-heated water will be poured on their heads, it will melt away the internals:

"…poured upon their heads will be scalding water by which is melted that within their bellies and (their) skins." (Quran 22:19-20)

Prophet Muhammad said:

"Super-heated water will be poured onto their heads and will dissolve through it until it cuts up their innards, expelling them; until it comes out of their feet, and everything is melted.  Then they will be restored as they were."[6]

One of the ways God will humiliate the sinful in Hell is by gathering them on Judgment Day on their faces, blind, deaf, and dumb.

"and We will gather them on the Day of Resurrection (fallen) on their faces – blind, dumb and deaf.  Their refuge is Hell; every time it subsides We increase them in blazing fire." (Quran 17:97)

"And brings an evil deed — such will be flung down on their faces into the Fire, (and it will be said), ‘Are you recompensed for anything but what you used to do?’" (Quran 27:90)

"The Fire will burn their faces and they will grin therein, their lips displaced." (Quran 23:104)

"The Day their faces will be turned over in the Fire, they will say, ‘How we wish we had obeyed God and obeyed the Messenger.’" (Quran 33:66)

Another painful punishment of unbelievers will be getting dragged on their faces into Hell.  God says:

"Indeed, the criminals are in error and madness.  The Day they are dragged into the Fire on their faces (it will be said), ‘Taste the touch of Hell.’" (Quran 54:47-48)

They will be dragged on their faces while they are tied in chains and fettered:

"Those who deny the Book (the Quran) and that with which We sent Our messengers – they are going to know, when the shackles are around their necks and the chains; they will be dragged in boiling water; then in the Fire they will be filled (with flame)." (Quran 40:70-72)


[1]Saheeh Muslim

[2]Saheeh Al-Bukhari

[3]saheeh Muslim

[4]Saheeh Al-Bukhari

[5]Saheeh Muslim



The seven gate of Jahannam:

The First Gate: Jahannam

“They said (i.e. the hypocrites): “Don’t go out for war during the heat!” Say (i.e. Muhammad) the fire of Jahannam is even hotter if you only understood.” (Quran 9: 81)

This gate is called Jahannam because the fire will scorch the faces of the men and women who enter it!!! Their faces will be sullen and glum. It will eat away at their flesh and ALLAH(SWT) says:

“Every time the fire eats away their flesh We will replace it with new flesh so they can taste the punishment…” (Quran 4:56)

The ironic thing is, this is the lightest punishment that one can receive in Hell outside of the specific punishment of Abu Talib the uncle of the Prophet (PBUH)

=>The Second Gate: Ladha’

“There is no way out for them, except the Ladha (i.e. Fierce Blaze) will certainly scorch the inward organs and the outward flesh! It will invite everyone who turned away from following the truth, heedless of it and gathered wealth but refused to spend it in the cause of ALLAH(SWT)…” (Quran 70:15)

This level of hell is called Ladha because the fire will eat away at their body parts one by one, both internally and externally. It will invite those who abandoned Tawheed (i.e. Islamic monotheism) and turned away from that which the Prophet (PBUH) came with.

=>The Third Gate: Saqar

“We will throw him into the Saqar and what will make you know what Saqar is? It is a scorching fire, it spares nothing and leaves nothing behind it will shake them vehemently and over it are nineteen angels ” (Quran 74: 26-30)

It is called Saqar because it will eat up the flesh of the human being and not his bones. But listen to what ALLAH(SWT) mentioned about those
who enter this particular level of hell:

“Those in paradise will ask the criminals what has landed you all in Saqar? They will say: “We were not of those who used to pray and we didn’t feed the poor and we used to talk vainly with those who talked vain talk and we used to deny the Day of Recompense until death came to us and we saw the reality of all that we denied” (Quran 74:40-47)

=>The Fourth Gate: Al-Hutamah

“Nay they will be thrown into Al Hutamah (i.e. Crushing Fire). And what will make you know what Al Hutamah is? The fire of ALLAH(SWT) kindled by men and stones which scorches the hearts. Surely it is vaulted over them in pillars widely extended.” (Quran 104: 4-9)

It is called Al Hutamah because it will shatter the bones of the human being and burn the heart and other internal organs. The fire will start at his feet and burn all the way through until it reaches the heart!!!

“Indeed it (i.e. the hell fire) spits out sparks the size of mansions, as if they were yellow herds” (Quran 77: 32-33)

=>The Fifth Gate: Jaheem

“Seize him and shackle him!! Then roast him in Jaheem (i.e. hell fire) in chains that are seventy cubits long. This is because he did not believe in
ALLAH(SWT), the Magnificent and he did not encourage the feeding of the poor.” (Quran 69: 30-34)

This gate is called Jaheem because it is actually one big piece of hot coal that is bigger than the lowest heaven as we know it.

=>The Sixth Gate: Sa’eer

“A group in paradise and a group in Sa’eer (i.e. the blazing fire)” (Quran 42: 7)

ALLAH(SWT) also says about the people therein:

“And they will say: “If we had listened and used our intellect we would not be inhabitants of As Sa’eer (i.e. blazing fire)!! They confessed their sins but away with the companions of As Sa’eer” (Quran 67: 10-11)

This gate of Hell is called As Sa’eer because it is constantly kindling, rather it has never ceased to kindle from the moment it was created!! In it are 300 castles and in each castle there are 300 houses and in each house there are 300 types of punishments.

=>The Seventh Gate: Al Haawiyah

ALLAH(SWT) says: “As for the one whose scales are light, then the Hawiyah will embrace him like a mother embraces her child. And what will make you know what Al Hawiyah is? It is a kindled fir burning hot.” (Quran 101: 8-11)

This gate of hell is called Al Hawiyah because whoever enters this level of the hell fire will never come out!!! Notice ALLAH(SWT) said that the fire will embrace him like a mother embraces her child!! In this level of the hell fire there is a well that will let out a breeze of fire and when this breeze comes out it will be so hot and powerful that all of the fires in the other levels of hell will seek refuge in ALLAH(SWT) from it!!!

In this level of the hell fire there is a mountain made of fire and the enemies of ALLAH(SWT) will be laid on their faces on this mountain and their hands will be tied to their necks and their necks tied to their feet and over them will stand the Zabaaniyah, who are angels that guard this particular level of the hell fire, as ALLAH(SWT) says:

“And We will call the Zabaaniyah (i.e. angels who guard the hell fire)…” (Quran 96: 18)

*** oh Allah save us from Jahannam***


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